Pintura / Painting

Brote / Outbreak (Vendido/Sold)

Acrílico sobre lienzo /Acrylic on canvas 90x60x2 cm

Cygnus X-1 (Vendido/Sold)

120 cm x 80 cm Acrylic on canvas

El Observador / The watcher

60 cm x 60 cm Acrylic on canvas

Trópico de Sagitario / Sagittarius Tropic (Sold)

50 cm x 40 cm Acrylic on canvas

Espacio, tiempo y tú / Space, time and you

90 cm x 60 cm Acrylic on canvas

Destino Desconocido / Unkown Destiny

80 cm x 60 cm Acrylic on canvas

Nébula azul / Blue Nebula (Sold)

114 cm x 74 cm Acrylic and aerosol paint on canvas

Madre cósmica / Cosmic Mother

Printed fabric and acrylic on canvas

Flor / Flower

Printed fabric and Acrylic on canvas

Jirafa / Giraffe

60 cm x 60 cm Acrylic on canvas

Muy adentro / Real deep

90 cm x 90 cm Acrylic on canvas